Peregrine Falcon Banding

Nestled against the rugged cliffs of Lake Superior’s north shore, a fascinating and vital conservation effort unfolds each spring: the banding of peregrine falcons. These majestic raptors, renowned for their breathtaking speed and hunting prowess, have made a remarkable comeback from the brink of extinction. This photo essay delves into the meticulous process of banding […]
Black Ash Forests on the Brink

Black Ash Forests on the Brink Minnesota has 1 million acres of black ash forest wetlands that are home to a rich diversity of species such as the oven bird, golden-winged warber, pine martin and fishers. They are under imminent threat from the emerald ash borer, an invasive insect from Asia, and climate change. Because […]
Fueling Flight

How Mountain Ash Berries Nourish our Feathered Friends
The Unclaimed Prize

The coyote-raven relationship is an example of loose symbiosis. If one has found food, it’s not long before the other has joined in. Coyotes will often follow ravens to carrion, and in turn, ravens have been known to lead coyotes to carcasses too big for them to rip apart. At the carcass, the ravens will […]